Internet Crimes Lawyer in Medford
Defending Clients Who Are Facing Cybercrime Charges in Jackson County
Recent waves of technological advancements have made computers and internet software readily available practically everywhere. Anyone can access the World Wide Web with ease from their handheld cell phone, portable device, or from behind the wheel of a car. Unfortunately, with internet access being accessible at the touch of a finger, there has been an increase in internet crimes and computer crimes.
The federal and state governments are catching on, and as a result, more and more arrests are being made for cybercrime allegations. Offenses such as identity theft, internet fraud, internet harassment, online stalking, and cybersex crimes are on the rise and are showing trends of continuing to increase.
If you have been accused of an internet crime in Oregon or are currently involved in a computer crime investigation, you need to call an attorney as soon as possible. At The Law Office of Justin Rosas, I can be depended on to represent you fully and aggressively advocate your rights. I know what is at stake and know that your freedom is invaluable.
Have you been accused of an internet crime? Call The Law Office of Justin Rosas today at (541) 933-5972 or contact the firm online to schedule a free consultation with our Medford internet crimes attorney.
Common Types of Computer Crimes
A computer or internet crime is committed when any person who knowingly accesses, attempts to access or uses, or attempts to use any computer, computer system, or computer network for the purpose of devising or executing a scheme or artifice to defraud another person. A scheme could relate to an attempt to obtain money, property, or services by means of false pretenses or promises.
Common examples of computer crimes include:
- Internet phishing
- Internet fraud
- Identity theft
- Cyberstalking
- Cybersex crimes
Internet Crimes Against Children
It is not uncommon for sex crimes and internet crimes to be related. With technology being increasingly accessible, it has become much easier for young children to access the internet. The federal government has dedicated a specific branch of the FBI to tracking internet crimes and internet sex crimes. This has led to nationwide investigations, through which the FBI has tried to crack down on repeat sex offenders by using fake internet profiles or tracking users through child pornography.
Contact Our Internet Crimes Attorney in Medford Today
If you have been accused of an internet crime or have been subjected to an FBI investigation for an internet crime, you need to speak with a Medford internet crime attorney immediately. Computer crime cases are extremely intricate and demand the attention of a criminal defense lawyer that understands technology and the legal technicalities of cybercrime laws.
If you have been arrested for an internet crime related to a sex crime, it is wise to enlist the help of a criminal defense lawyer who is well-versed in both internet crime law and Oregon sex crime law. You can benefit greatly from a Medford criminal defense attorney who understands how the laws intersect and can create a strong defense on your behalf.
Contact The Law Office of Justin Rosas to schedule your free case evaluation with our internet crimes lawyer in Medford today!

Why Choose The Law Office of Justin Rosas?

Results Tell the Story
Hundreds of Cases Dismissed & Won
Case Dismissed Delivery of Marijuana, Money Laundering
Received Probation Unlawful Delivery of Marijuana, Federal Aviation Crash
Case Dismissed Murder
Case Dismissed Federal Supervised Release Hearing
Probation with No Jail Time Theft in the First Degree
Case Dismissed Money Laundering