Drug Manufacturing Lawyer Oregon
Drug Crime Defense
Under the Oregon laws, it is unlawful to manufacture a controlled substance. The legal definition of manufacturing is very broad, which unfortunately creates a gray area that could lead to misinterpretation of laws. This is where an Oregon drug manufacturing lawyer can help. Drug manufacture crimes can include anything from production, preparation, or conversion of a drug, to the processing or compounding of a drug.
Examples of Drug Manufacturing Crimes
Manufacturing of a drug can include direct or indirect actions. This essentially means that an individual can be charged of drug manufacture by simply taking a small amount of a prescription, such as Vicodin, and repackaging it into an individual bag to give to a friend. Unfortunately, many people make small mistakes such as this without realizing that it is a criminal offense. Without the right legal representation from an experienced drug defense lawyer, many people find themselves in jail for acting in a way that they didn't even know was against the law.
Drug manufacture crimes can also include direct actions, where a drug or controlled substance is created or processed by some sort of chemical means.
In this definition, manufacturing charges can include:
- Growing a marijuana plant
- Creating methamphetamine
- Processing methamphetamine by deriving the substance from cold medicine
You do not actually have to create a controlled substance to be charged of a manufacturing offense. Simply packaging a drug could cause you to be liable for this offense. Possession of precursor chemicals, such as mass amounts of cold medicine, or laboratory equipment known to create drugs can also constitute a manufacturing drug charge even though you have not actually created any drugs.
Fight your penalty with the help of an Oregon drug crime lawyer!
If you have been arrested for drug manufacturing, the prosecution will not take your interests into consideration. When the prosecution is gathering evidence against you, they will more than likely not take into consideration that a prison sentence is not convenient for you. They will not consider your family, your job, your reputation, or your duties to your children. Contact an Oregon drug manufacturing lawyer immediately.
A guilty conviction for drug manufacturing could result in a prison sentence for up to 45 months. It is not uncommon for individuals who are charged with drug manufacturing to also be charged with drug possession and drug distribution, as many prosecutors will try to claim that you were manufacturing drugs to distribute or sell the drugs for a profit. This can result in longer penalties, heavier fines, and much more severe consequences.
If you are facing a drug manufacture accusation, contact a Medford drug crime attorney immediately. At The Law Office of Justin Rosas, I know how important it is that your interests remain protected. No matter how complex your drug crime matters may be, you can trust that I can fight on your behalf and protect your freedom. Call my firm today to schedule your free case evaluation!

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