Driver License Suspension
Medford DUII Defense Lawyer
Driving under the influence of intoxicants (DUII) cases include two different penalties - one at the jurisdictional level and another at the DMV. Your DMV case will deal solely with a license suspension stemming from a failure or a refusal to take a breath test or blood test. After a DUII arrest, it is crucial that you enlist the help of a Medford criminal defense attorney who can help you through the processes that follow an arrest and ensure your rights as a driver stay protected.
Once your license is suspended by the DMV in a DUII arrest, you will only have 10 days from your arrest to challenge a DMV license suspension. The DMV Implied Consent Hearing request can be found online, and must be completed in order to be granted a hearing.
If you have had your driver's license suspended after a DUII, I can prepare the proper documents, send them in to the courts at the proper time, and represent your case at any DMV hearings. There is no penalty for you to do so, so the very worst that could possibly happen is that the suspension that was already being implemented will stay in place. Nothing more substantial can happen to you.
What happens if my license is suspended?
The DMV can typically suspend a driver's license for at least for 90 days. Other circumstances could put a license on suspension from one to three years, depending on the facts that surround your case. Once the DMV determines your license suspension duration, the suspension will never increase or be shortened. If you hire a Medford DUII defense attorney to help you through your process, an attorney can petition on your behalf at the DMV hearing for you.
If you were arrested for a DUII, the penalties associated with the charges are significant. Oregon has very strict DUII laws and takes a generally zero-tolerance approach to cases involving alcohol and drugs. A guilty conviction could result in a license suspension for years, could include substantial fines, boost insurance premiums, and leave you with a permanent criminal record.
Additionally, because the nature of DUII cases involves not only the criminal court but the DMV as well, you could be found innocent of a DUII charge, but the DMV could still have the power to revoke or suspend your license.
To ensure that you keep your driving privileges, it is wise that you contact The Law Office of Justin Rosas immediately. When you call my firm, you can schedule a free case evaluation so that we can discuss your DMV hearing or any other legal matters concerning your DUII case. Call my firm as soon as possible!

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